Advocates Welcome Call - July 2023
We want to make Australia the best place in the world to be a parent.
It's no small feat - but it is possible - if parents and carers like you volunteer with us.
Now, we get it. Parenting is a MASSIVE unpaid job already and to add volunteering on top of that can be a lot!
That's why our volunteering is:
- Flexible
- Family-friendly
- Fun (or we like to think so!)
It's also why our online sessions are relaxed. You might have kids crawling over your lap or be prepping school lunches for the next day or be in the dark patting a toddler to sleep. Everyone is welcome!
You can fit volunteering into your normal parenting life. You'll meet like-minded parents and carers, hone your skills, and help make a difference for Aussie families.
Find out more, and hear from current volunteers, by attending our next Advocates Welcome Call!
(Want to attend a Welcome Call but can't make the available times? Let us know and we can send you an info pack instead!)
July 26, 2023 at 7:30pm - 8:30pm