#ParentsUp Petition

Parenting is one of life’s greatest joys. But in Australia it can be a massive struggle to balance children, work and the bills.
For parents, carers and our children to thrive, we need:
  • Expanded Paid Parental Leave (i.e. maternity or paternity leave).
  • High quality, affordable, available Early Childhood Education and Care (i.e. childcare/family day care/preschool and kinder).
  • High quality, affordable, available Outside School Hours Care (i.e. before/after school care and vacation care/holiday programs).
  • Early childhood Educators to be valued, supported and fairly paid.

Find out more info on our 'All About #ParentsUp' page.

https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/theparenthood/pages/783/attachments/original/1637714145/petition_image7.png?1637714145And a BIG thank you to all the organisations supporting and signing the petition and spreading the word!


3,070 signatures
We are calling on every Federal political representative to make commitments on:

1. One year of Paid Parental Leave to be shared between parents, at full pay including super.

2. Universal access to Early Childhood Education and Care and Outside School Hours Care delivered by a well supported and properly paid workforce.
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