It's time for a better deal for children, parents and women!
Expanding Paid Parental Leave (PPL) and creating universal access to quality, inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our country and secure a prosperous and equitable future.
These policies are the “bridges and roads” that parents and carers need in order to be there for their children and provide for their family.
We are calling for One Year of Paid Parental Leave (PPL) to be shared between parents, at full pay including super!
Our research shows that one year of PPL shared between parents or carers will:
- Support ALL parents to care for their child at home during the first 12 months of life.
- Give all parents an opportunity to develop skills in caring for and forming attachments with their children.
- Enable mothers to maintain a connection to the workforce.
- Provide opportunities for breastfeeding in the first year of a child’s life where possible.
Find out more here, in our Paid Parental Leave Factsheet!
We are calling for universal access to quality, inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) delivered by a well supported and properly paid workforce!
Quality Early Childhood Education and Care is THE golden ticket. ECEC is the foundation of our society and sets children up to succeed. The success of future generations ensures the success of our social and economic structure. Having access to quality early learning services also benefits parents, the mental health and wellbeing of the family unit and our workforce.
Quality Early Childhood Education and Care starts with quality Early Educators. Early childhood Educators need to be valued, supported and fairly paid. Right now, parents are paying high fees, but Educators aren’t being paid high wages. This needs to change with a publicly-funded system that ensures parents can afford ECEC while Educators are well paid.
Find out more here, in our Early Childhood Education and Care Factsheet!
We are calling for universal access to quality, inclusive Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) delivered by a well supported and properly paid workforce!
Currently, school and early childhood hours do not match the working week. Most jobs don’t finish at 3:30pm. Every school aged child deserves access to high quality Outside School Hours Care so their parents can work to support them. And every parent deserves to make a living and provide for their family while their child receives fantastic education and care. Accessible and affordable quality OSHC means parents can provide for their families, with the reassurance that their kids are being well cared for, fed, nurtured and stimulated.
Find out more here, in our Outside School Hours and Care Factsheet!
What is “Paid Parental Leave”?
We believe Paid Parental Leave should be a government initiative of 12 months shared between parents/carers at full pay including super. Currently in Australia, a child’s primary carer who meets the income test can access the “Parental Leave Pay” for up to 18 weeks of leave paid at the minimum wage. The “Dad and Partner Pay” provides working dads and partners with up to two weeks, also at the minimum wage.
What’s “universal access”?
Universal access essentially means affordable, high quality, inclusive and easy to access. We believe every single child and every parent should be able to access high quality, affordable and inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care and Outside School Hours Care on the days they need it, where they need it. You can find out more in our handy factsheets on Early Childhood Education and Care and Outside School Hours Care.
What is “Early Childhood Education and Care”?
It’s a mouthful but language matters. Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services include centre-based care, family day care, mobile children’s services, kindergarten/preschool, in-home care and occasional care.
What is “Outside School Hours Care”?
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) refers to before and after school care, and vacation care or school holiday programs.
Do you have more questions? Please get in touch and send us an email: [email protected]