The Parenthood welcomes the release today of the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care’s recommendations as a significant step towards a universal early childhood education in South Australia.
The Final Report makes recommendations on how to support families during the first 1000 days of a chid’s life, universal three and four-year-old preschool, out of school hours care and an Office for the Early Years.
Parenthood CEO Jessica Rudd said, “The Royal Commission's Final Report underlines the critical importance of early learning for children and families and its recommendations set out a path for holistic reform.
“The Parenthood supports the recommended introduction of universal access to three-year-old preschool, recognising the important role that quality early education plays in preparing our children for school and their future.
"It’s significant that the report recognises the vital role that Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) plays in supporting working families. OSHC services are a cornerstone of assisting families with their daily work-life balance while fostering children's social and life skills.
“Modernising the school day and making OSHC more widely available and affordable will help ease the juggling act of South Australian families today.
“If projected demographics in the recent Intergenerational Report are anything to go by, we will need people who are free to participate in the workforce while their children’s developmental and educational needs are met. School hours limit parents’ ability to work the way they want to work and parent the way they want to parent.
“The Commission’s proposal to establish a legislated Office for the Early Years to oversee South Australia's early child development system is a step we would like to see considered at a national level.
“Uniting various stakeholders and focusing on data-driven assessments, early education enhancement and strategic direction, this integrated, common sense initiative would support South Australian children to be ready to thrive at school and beyond.
“While the Final Report offers some solutions, we must act urgently to address potential workforce shortages and childcare deserts. Planning for a well-equipped, appropriately rewarded workforce and ensuring access to services across regions must be a priority for all policy makers.
"We look forward to working with the SA Government towards the adoption and implementation of the Royal Commission’s recommendations to build the robust and effective early childhood education and care system South Australian families deserve,” Ms Rudd said.