Parents need early childhood education and care so their children can be looked after and nurtured in a safe, loving and educational setting - and let’s be real - without high quality early learning centres parents wouldn’t be able to balance family life and work at all!
We parents need Early Educators. Appropriate and secure funding for the workforce that delivers early education and care is vital but it’s been overlooked.
Right now, 30% of Early Educators are planning to leave the sector in the next year because they do not receive the pay, conditions and respect they deserve.
The early education workforce is predominantly female and one of the lowest paid cohorts of workers in Australia. Compared to male-dominated workforces that require a similar level of training and qualifications, the pay gap is substantial.
Educators have had enough and so have we. The September 7 Shut Down is a call for better pay, better conditions and respect for the educators who care for and love our children.
So let’s support educators on September 7. We know that having some advance notice and tips for altered care arrangements are always helpful, so here are some possibilities:
- Get in touch with the management or an educator at your centre to check the staffing arrangements and if any rooms/the centre will be closed
- If possible, see if you or a family member can take the day off work (you can even attend one of the Shut Down the Sector rallieswith your child in support!)
- See if you can finish work early to pick up your child(ren) around midday
- Speak to your employer about taking your child(ren) to work with you
- Organise in your centre’s parents’ chat or newsletter for a few parents to care for some children during the Shut Down
Email your MP in support of educators’ rights:
Find out more or get involved here!